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We hurried to the bedroom stripping our clothes along the way. By the time we had made it to the room she only had her lacey thong left on. That came off as I laid her down and then began teasing her as much as she had teased me throughout the evening. I kissed her firmly showing her I meant business. I pulled every trick I had learned over the past two weeks as to how to get her worked up. I bit her lips, then kissed her neck and nibbled on her ears. I then licked n sucked on each off her. Worst of all, he was my first. So, yeah, this was bad. Even worse, it had been two weeks since the last time we fucked..."YES! FUCKING YES, BABY! YES! I'M ALMOST THERE!" I was riding Chris hard, grinding my hips into his, spreading my eager thighs more, heedless of the fact that we were fucking in a field fifty yards from my house. I could literally see our side door. I felt the orgasm uncurling deep within me, way up by my G Spot... this was so rare. I shut my eyes and grabbed his ass, yanking. About thirty minutes had passed and I had not heard from Kristy. I was getting nervous and afraid we were going to mess up this party, which would not be good considering whom, it was for.There was a knock at the door and I went to get it hoping it was the dancers. I opened the door and there stood Kristy. She was in a long evening gown and looked fabulous.I asked, "What are you doing here?"She replied, "I could not find any dancers and had to do something. We cannot blow a party this early in. As expected, it took me over an hour to reach Shashank’s place. By this time it was late evening and barely any daylight left. I called Shashank when I reached the gate of his apartments, and he gave me directions on how to come in. “Look up,” he said on the phone. I obliged, looking at this hunky silhouette on the balcony waving at me. “Come to the third floor!”I walked up to the third floor, and Shashank was already waiting for me at the door. Oh wow, was he a sight for sore eyes! He was.
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