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That hadn’t been part of my plans, but when I complained about it to my unruly spouses, they both just laughed at me. I was supposed to be the man in our house and when I told them that, they laughed even harder. After that, I had to make sure that both of them were punished accordingly. One more reason to look tired in the morning.Then there were Leilatha and Shalana. I wasn’t sure which one of them was most afraid - those two fearless hunters were afraid that those old memories would be too. Becca desperately tried to scream through the ball, but the gag muffled the sound. Greg continued the whipping of the recaltriant woman, enjoying every second of punishing her soft skin. Her screams again began to fade to soft shuddering groans, coming through the gag that kept her from disturbing the patrons too much.James was able to observe the other patrons enjoying the sight of Becca being punished and he and the audience revelled in the pain demonstrated by the muffled sobs of Becca's. ” “Nice, huh,” she said, a frown replacing her smile. “Nice?” “Well, maybe nice isn't the right word,” I said, realizing she was not trying to look nice, but was sending me another message, which she was doing loud and clear. “Right, ‘Nice’ is not the right word,” she said, “but thanks. I know what you meant.” “What are you doing after the reading?” I asked. “What would you like me to do after the reading?” she answered, smiling playfully. “You know the answer to that question," I said,. It felt like one of those meetings at the airport, when long lost relatives finally meet, only more confusing, because it was such a big group. But Chris did get to finally give his dad a big high-five, right in the middle of the group.Finally, once the confusion was over, Mr Cartwright led them over to a microphone on a little platform, and for the first time Chris noticed the TV cameras. Chris stood on the platform, his family — Shahia with Maria, Hassan and Alyssa — by his side. The park had.
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