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At least I think she was joking.“That would be illegal, and where would we get the girls?” I replied. “Unless you want a new career. Maybe the girls would,” I said, referring to my daughters who, from what I could see, were intent on screwing their way through the local town. Okay, they weren’t that bad, but dads react badly to these things.“They could bring their own,” she was now laughing.”BYO, bring your own.”“You’re going daft! Let’s go to bed.”Despite feeling tired the discussion had fired. Leavenworth was the senior captain of the sugar brokers Father dealt with and known to Father and to Grace from his frequent calls on the island. Drake, first mate of Mercy, had been with the ship almost as long as Captain Leavenworth.Their cabin was a large one, divided into two sections with a heavy cloth hanging. One section boasted a substantial bed for Sandrine and Amélie. The other had a single bed, almost a cot, for Gérard. Despite the apparent intimacy, it was a common arrangement and,. She had made mistakes, but who among them hadn’t? Her daughter Tina didn’t say anything, but she did leave a flower on the coffin. It had taken nine years. Nine years of fearful anticipation before she was strong enough to end it on her own. It came as no surprise to those who knew her. Far away, in Manila, it would be weeks before Tom’s baby girl contacted him and let him know his wife was gone. He read the note, crumbled it up and threw it away. It had been a few years since the last time. ’ ‘You speak with familiarity.’ ‘I’ve been to New Mexico a few times,’ Tom grinned. ‘But it’s all in the head. There are slick-looking babes in ultra-modern offices in this city who perform with age-old tradition and don’t even bother to ask for money.’ Rosemary smiled and said, ‘You speak with familiarity.’ Tom grinned. ‘You are an unusual young man Tom Briscoe,’ Rosemary said, sounding if she was teetering. ‘Come I’m calling a cab and will drop you off at your studio,’ Tom said, pulling out.
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