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Ok no problem I am mailing my one of true stories again. Once me and my friend Suman were going to Bangalore railway station to book the ticket to Bombay. We were in bus. Me and my friend were sitting in one seat. That too from the front left side it is second seat. We used to sit in the front always because aunties and girls used to be front only. Ok on that day while going after two three stop one old lady entered into the bus, she really I am not joking she was looking like similar to. It was my turn. I went to the stage. I had to defeat the opponent to play the game. The first one among us to guess the right answer three times would play. Unluckily for me I lost. I was almost in tears. I could see that Rekha also looked very down. But Khan was very gracious. I gathered enough courage to ask him if I could invite my wife on stage to meet him as that was our life dream. He readily agreed. Rekha got up with a jump and came to the stage. She could hardly control herself. She. The sound continued to ring, refusing to end.Ella knew the sound. The fire alarm had gone off, either from an actual fire or some idiots smoking in the building. Ella sighed and turned the water off with the hand she had been using to pleasure herself just seconds ago. She stepped out of the shower and trotted into her main dorm room, water dripping from her soaked body.She was panicked, somewhat. She she was actually in danger of burning to death, but she knew the RAs would be here any minute.. Choose, Dais, because once you leave this room there is no turning back, either way.’ Confused, upset, and mystified, all she could say was, ‘Jake, I…’ Words failed her. Part of her wanted to say fuck it and take him, take what he offered. This was what she always wanted: to be Jakes, anyway he would take her. But the other part of her, the part that told her how wrong and manipulative this was, screamed an original, melodramatic, NO! That part of her, the pride and self-preservation, was.
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