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Bethan was a lot less confident, but she had something about her that made people warm to her instantly, with long naturally blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a slender body...her breasts weren't huge but more like soft mounds that gave her silhouette a womanly shape, for aside from that her body couldn't help but go straight up and down.Tom came over on that Friday night in a stinking rage, he demanded I opened the bottle of wine he thrust into my arms and went to sit on the couch, turning up the. I said, “Chill ma’am I’ll help you with it!” she said” sweet of you Kartik” and let me narrate the story,Me- it’s my pleasure to do work for you, ma’am ;)She- awww! Is it so??? (she adjusted her saree so that I can have a little view of her boobs. Man! She’s testing my patience and tempting my cock to drill her pussy!)Me- so ma’am! Today’s review is over right? Shall I leave?She- wait, Kartik. I’ve something to discuss with you!Me- sure ma’am! What’s that about?She- Are you eyeing only me or. Is for lashing, securing my forearms behind youM. is for Master, Soul mate and SirN. is for nipple, with silver weights hangingO. is for orgasm, the release I am deniedP. is for penis, the gag filling your mouthQ. is for quest, my journey into my soulR. is for respect, which I am here to learnS. is for spanking, flogging and paddlingT. is for tongue all over your penisU. is for undying, the love that we shareV. is for violet wand, I do not dareW. is for wet, my desire trickling down my thighsX.. Pepper said. "Come on, Virana!"But her daughter protested. "No, Mummy, I want to ride the boat!" I know you do, darling, but we really should leave now. Okay?" No. Mother. Get on the boat. Now. Or I'm going to scream." Virana demanded, stomping her foot once to emphasis her seriousness and leering at her mother with hateful eyes.Mrs. Pepper looked slightly scared for a moment. "Okay, dear, I'm sorry. Please don't scream," Mrs. Pepper pleaded, then got on the boat. Virana's face lit up into the.
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