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"hello Mr.hard dick, make yourself at home." she said fingering her pussy.i reached in my jacket pocket and got a Trojans condom "no need, dude I'm clean,bareback my pussy with that dick" she says she lay on her back on the couch."gosh I'm so wet dude" she said as she spread her legs. i took my dick and plunged it deep between her fat pussy lips"ohhhhhhh she exclaimed as i began thrusting into her slowly."auhhh let me get up in it Kaitlin!"i grunted she grabbed me and let me work my dick into. I was very pleased with myself as I watched it grow.I placed a knee on the bed while standing with one foot on the floor and looked down at him. Reaching behind my back, I unhooked my bra and let it drop from my breasts and land on the bed. He picked up the bra and felt it between his fingers while he gazed at my naked breasts.“What size are they?” he asked.“34-C.”“Heavy and firm, luscious nipples. Very nice,” Mike replied.Although he made it sound like my tits were up for auction, I liked the. Her bra was a clever work of engineering. It held them up, but made them look smaller. Nowadays, bras are the opposite. When she took her bra off, those enourmous mounds came out, and then seemed to keep coming out, and coming out! She stood up, to present herself to me, and I noticed the bottom of her boobs lined up with her navel. Each boob was bigger than her head. Not only that; now that she was aroused, she did indeed have nipples! Big hard pink gorgeous nipples. They just needed. I made it to her and greeted her with a warm smile.Me: Good afternoon, ma’am.Her attention turned towards me! She looked at me and I felt like the whole auditorium went silent for a while. It was all buzzing and I could feel I was just lost in her eyes. Damn, those big round eyes were so deep! I felt like she was talking to me and then I snapped back to reality and that she hadn’t uttered a word either.She was staring at me the same way as I did.She: Good Afternoon, dear. You are the actor kid,.
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