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Next she took me by surprise as she began telling me about the forth coming operation tomorrow, as she spoke her hand snaked beneath my sheets and soon rested on my upper thigh. She leaned forward and asked if I would like a shower tonight as there would not be time tomorrow. The way she said it, implied that she would be there to help me and her hand suddenly grasped my cock. She purred as she gently stroked my thickening cock.Reluctantly, I declined her offer, not because I did not want to. . you,” I teased them, but all the same, accepted that the fantasies about Mom and Jessica would have to just remain the elephant in the room these days.“Yeah, let’s get to bed, dear. We can check out your ... stories ... tomorrow,” Mom agreed, actually taking Darrell by the dick and leading him to the master bedroom.From the sounds that followed, there was no doubt even through the locked door that Mom put Darrell through the paces. She wanted her ashes hauled and he must have hauled them well. I could feel his body start to relax, as I licked him clean and gently kissed the tip of his cock. I crawled back up the bed and lay beside him, with my head on his chest , as I listened to his heartbeat return to normal and his breathing go from gasping, panting breaths to slow and even again. "My god, Kim, where in hell did you learn to do THAT?" I thought it was about time I confessed my "sin" of the week that he was away. I was worried that he might be angry, but as I told him my story. His wife Helen under him moaning with pleasure as he fucked her slowly. He felt her face she was the most beautiful women in the world to him. Her long brunette hair with her deep green eyes that always made him think of a beautiful medow in a distant valley somewhere. He gyrated his hips foward, pushing his cock deeper into her and watching the smile develop on her face. She grabbed his shoulder "Oh baby I'm close finish me off please." Jack nodded and began thrusting deeper and harding with.
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