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In other words, we can say that gamma waves put together distant populations of neurons, generating resonance networks.– Sorry, doc, but I don’t understand. – Harmonizing neuronal firing is crucial when you want to carry out a peculiar cognitive or motor function. Moreover, gamma waves are involved in short term memory matching and consolidation.– Fantastic. This means that your headphone is going to fry my brain?– Not at all. To recall my previous example, the conductor of the orchestra will. Once inside I pulled her onto me, facing me and slid my now solid cock into her. I had never felt her so wet. I had never seen that look in her eyes. I had never heard her make those sounds. We fucked, and fucked hard. The whole time I just watched her. I watched her lean backwards so the onlookers could see her face contort, so they could se how hard her nipples were around her perfectly expensive tits.When she came, she was loud. I would ask her to get louder. I would ask her if they were. One more time the lift doors closed but on this occasion, we were alone. Hastily Alex unbuttoned my skirt and let it drop to the floor. I could feel juices pouring onto my thighs as I watched her take off her jacket, unbutton her shirt and unclip her bra. Suddenly the lift pinged once more and the doors slid open. This was our floor but I’d not expected to be going from there to Alex’s office naked and my heart began to race with excitement and fear. Alex told me to press the button and keep. Guess I didn't have theballs. Might have them after I drink a little more. Looking forward tosome liquid courage.I ignored the knocking on the door. Fuck whoever it might be! Me anddestiny had an engagement. I rolled that vial of pills around in my hand.A 30 days supply. That aught to do it. Knocking again. I almost shoutedfor them to fuck off but figured why waste the effort?She stood in front of me shaking her head. At first, I didn't know whoshe was or how she had gotten in."You're.
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