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??Gnnnnnnnh???How do they smell???They’re?umm..??Well???Very?sweet???Sweet? You want them in your mouth???I?do???Yes you do. Go on. Remove them and put them in your mouth. Suck ‘em like a lollipop.??Yes, Priya.??Now you can’t possibly talk, can you? Haha.??Gnnnmmph!??Well, let’s put two more water balloons on your face. And now I’ll stomp them with my bare feet.??Gnnnnnoooo!?(Pop! Splash!)(Pop! Splash!)?Hmm, now there’s ten more of your balloons left in this bag. What am I going to do? Hmm,. “Anything I might like?” the doctor asked. “I em well er they are of an erotic nature,” I answered. “Who are you writing these stories for?” Doctor Bailey asked. “A website called Lush Stories,” I said proudly. He typed in the address on his computer and asked me to log in. I did letting him peruse my profile. He noted the categories I have written in and asked if I was working on anything new. I told him I was working on a story about a chat session I had with a cross dresser. “Who have. NtTht gud lukin structure but ok kind of. I cant say abtHer measurements as I didn’t asked nor measured. I’ve seen many guys fantasying allot abt women nWriting all gud fake things. Ian very straightforwardGuy. Talk genuine neva Learnt how to track a fantasy.More ova its betta to b the way v r rather jstImaginations which neva come true. We happen to talk allot ova there phone. In one monthOf time v went through every gud n bad topic. IRealized tough she was married to some army man nBlessed. That’s good, I think. He touched his cut ear. He stood there, his eyes pleading with her for an explanation, tears coming from them.Abby just stood there, fighting back her tears, seeing he was crying.He still has tears going down his cheeks. She reached out to wipe his tears, he pulled his head away.“Vince, please talk to me?” She pleaded, hope shining from her eyes.“Abby, I’m so sorry for what I did and said. I’m so mad. I’ve never been this mad before and it hurts. I never meant to bring up.
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