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She smiled up at him her tongue still moving along his chest and neck. he felt himself stir even greater and found that if he did not stop he would surly die from lack of blood flow to his organs.He leaned himself against a tree a bit off the road path. She knelt in front of him her hands already moving along his growing shaft. "Tempest…" Shhh." she whispered. as she moved along him. her mouth and tongue already pulling grunts from his chest. just as he thought she was about to bring him to the. How about you? Dad replied “same.” Dad got off the chair and came near mom then wrapped his hand around her waist and said “you are looking nice” and then kissed her. Mom “thanks but not tonight Kamal, I still have a lot of work to do.” Dad said “come on Kavita it has been almost a month.” Mom “yeah I know but.” before mom could finish her sentence dad pulled her toward him. Mom liked it and she started kissing him with passion.Dad took her pallu off and exposed her cleavage, and kissed it. Mom. ”“You make me want my hair brushed just like that.”“Come on, I’m almost through. I’d love to see you sit at my feet, while I brushed your long black mane.”“You tempt me, damn you.”“I would absolutely love to brush your long mane, Sienna.”“I ... Maybe some other time?”“When you know that you can trust me?”“I suppose. I do want it though ... and...”“and ... you sitting naked in front of me, letting me use this brush on your long mane.”“DAMN YOU, Ray Harrison. How is it you seem to know what I’m. " Cheryl turned away and walked to the living room, grabbing John's arm and pulling him with her. "Come on everybody. I think we better get ready for whatever it is Pam has in mind for Barbara."As the others went into the living room, Barbara removed the coverings from the table and straightened the chairs around it. Upon completion of her cleaning, she poured each of her tormentors another glass of Coke and got John a fresh beer from the fridge, loaded them onto a tray and carried it into the.
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