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Soon I was getting naked with him and he would play with my tits and my ass while I sucked him . I loved going over there to please him .I was so hooked on him. Sometimes I would go over his house 2 or 3 times a week. I had been blowing John for about a month when he told me he wanted to fuck me ,I was more then glad to give him my ass but made sure he knew that I didn't do bare and he was fine with it . I went to his house got naked in the living room and he took me into his bedroom , he took. He buckled and fell on his knees and letting out a huge grunt. Not one drop was spilled. She had brought the biggest bully of our college down on his knees. Ajith gave out a couple of more groans. Payal got up looking in his eyes. She reached out to kiss him on his lips. He pulled back. She looked at him again displeased.Grabbed his neck from the back and planted a kiss. Whether cum was in that kiss I don’t know. She stood up and placed her right thigh on his shoulder. He knew she wanted to be. ” “Maybe, maybe not.” Then a guy tried to approach me but Mr. Collins yelled at him “This is mine, fuck off!” “Thanks. So, are we going to do it?” “No. You are my student, I can’t do it. I’m only trying to protect you from the freaks around here.” “I don’t mind and no one will find out.” I said and took gently his impressive thick dick in my hand. He didn’t back off and so his dick grew in my hand, more and more. “It’s wrong.” “But you want it.” “I’m an old pervert, don’t trust my dick.. 5! Slapped my eyes with his dick and said " Cunt you live for dick dont you lowlife pig, how about some real cock? " And asked me to make sound like a pig, i said, " Oink oink" He said, " Hahahaha perfect whore" And pushed my head on his dick and started throatfuckin me, he was brutal i was choking on it my face was all purple and i was vomiting but he treated me like lifeless toy and kept thrashing my throat, after few moment he came deep inside my throat and asked me to lick the left overs.
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