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He was handsome to say the least but all said & done smita had never thought of him in any way other than how a granddaughter is supposed to, until the day when she had accidentally stumbled upon him masturbating in his room. They lived in a large row house in suburban mumbai actually it was 2 row houses joined together, originally grandpa had one & then dad had bought the other one. And after grandma passed away 7 years ago they had connected the two houses for better management. For a family. I used my fingers to bring it to my mouth and it was breastmilk. I could not believe what was happening to my body. My body should not be producing milk. I should not be having these dirty thoughts about Shahid bhai.I went to sleep in a confused state. He was my father's best friend. He was too old to be interested in me and I should not be thinking of him.That night my dreams were filled with lustful thoughts. In my dream I was being ravaged by a much older man. I was committing truly depraved. I was sure it was as beautiful as it felt in my kneading grip.When our mouths parted, I saw him take a quick glance at his watch. I nodded and I let him off the hook.“You’re working. We have tomorrow to look forward to. I’ll book out of my afternoon sessions, so we can take our time. I want that. With you.”He seemed relieved, yet I could tell he wanted to stay, which was a sweet compliment again.Suddenly I saw his expression change, like a decision hit him. He kissed me quickly and said, “I. I peeled the hose off and jumped into the shower with them so I could wash them as well as myself. Dad and I had an agreement that he would buy me pantyhose so I made a mental note that I was going to see if I could get him to buy me some of these pantyhose the next time we went to the store. Three days had passed and I still hadn’t heard from Dan so I told myself to just forget about him and savor the fact that we had enjoyed a hot one and done. The day had turned out unusually warm for late.
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