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She withdrew her mouth but stayed close. ‘And I am a witch.’ ‘Fuck off,’ Ellen replied automatically. ‘You did all that shit?’ ‘Naked dancing, ritual orgies, fucked on a slab while naked women in crimson hoods stood around and chanted. Kissed Satan’s hairy ass, all of it.’ ‘Fuck off,’ Ellen repeated a little less confidently. ‘Well in a movie,’ Barbara replied and there was that throaty chuckle again and the wicked, knowing eyes. ”Slaves of Satan,’ nineteen-sixty-seven, you might be able to. I guess I’m now ready to meet your daughter, but may I ask you a question?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘How does your daughter feel about marrying a man she’s never met?’ ‘You may ask her yourself when you meet. In any event, whatever she has to say won’t stop this marriage.’ I shrugged my shoulders and led them out to the living room to meet my fiancée. Dad was right. Ana did look better in person, a lot better. A brunette beauty, she was about 5’6′ in height. In her 3′ heels she could look me straight in. He watched as she inserted a third finger, then a fourth. He watched her breathing become noticeably rapid and she began letting little moans escape. She slid almost her whole hand in and out of what looked like one very horny little cunt.His cock stiffened and he put his hand to it, unable to remove his eyes from Lexi’s hot performance.Not wanting to interrupt her but knowing it would help her get the release she needed, Rick leaned into the screen and instructed Lexi to stick her own finger. She had seen me a million times but she seemed as if this were the first time she had got to lay eyes on my body. She looked at me with want and desire, with passion and lust. She looked at me like she wanted me. Sliding my hands down my body I slipped them into my panties and pushed them down my body, letting them linger at my ankles for a short time before kicking them off to the side. Her eyes quickly found my wet pussy and she licked at her luscious lips once again. “You want this?” I asked.
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