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After a couple minutes, the large metal door was unlocked and I slowly walked in. Akhen was sitting with a papyrus scroll in his hand, and rolled it up when he saw me. He was very tall, with hair shaved very short, hazel eyes and tanned bronze skin. He was atleast twice as buff as the guards I had dealt with outside, especially his biceps. I greeted him in Arabic, remarking at how beautiful his room was. The view of the miles long Nile River was gorgeous, and the pyramids could also be seen. Ialmost got the door shut, but I couldn't get any leverage on the doorin my heels. Lisa pushed and I pushed, but she was a little strongerthan I, and after a couple of minutes she had the door open and Istood there terrified!"You're gonna pay for this." She grabbed my arms and pulled me tothe edge of the bed. With one swift motion she had me over her kneesand my skirt flipped up."Don't spank me Lisa!" Her bare hand began wacking my pantied bottom. "You are going to be punished for this stunt. Living with my wife Kavitha. I married Kavitha with a successful love of one and half years. We lived in flat at the centre of the city. It is flat which consists of 4 blocks of 10 to 13 stories. Our block consists of four apartments in a floor but two only face to face. By placing the position of apartments by the builders we can contact only the opposite neighbor. Of our opposite lived a couple approximately of our same age that is around 30s a couple Manek and his wife Shaliny. We often meet. She had totally concentrated in her ears than her ass. Within few minutes I was able to show everything into her. My pubic hairs were touching her soft butts. The feel is different than fucking jiju, as he had tight muscles in his buttock. Mala had smooth and bulky there. She warned not to sow any more. I took her hand and placed in the joint, she exclaimed you rascal you have buried entire meat in my tight buttock. Yes my dear baby let me fuck your ass. She allowed me but didn't forget to.
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