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I was almost always turned on when I was around him, he knew exactly what to say and do to get me hot. He liked to wind me up, and get me hot in public, knowing I couldn't do anything about it gave him pleasure. Today was no exception. He leaned close to me, and whispered into my ear. "I can still taste your cunt on my tongue from this morning, baby you taste good" he mumbled, practically nibbling my ear. I squirmed in my seat trying not to let him get to me, crossing my legs over in an attempt. I reached down and put his penis inside of me. It filled me up and stretched me open. I irresistibly let out a moan, and grabbed his head. He grabbed my waist and start pushing me up and down. The char was small and old and began squeaking very loudly. But I kept going knowing I was close to climaxing on top of him. “I'm almost there!” I yelled. “You’re so tight!” He exclaimed. He grabbed me close and pushed me up and down even faster. I couldn’t take it, I never had a feeling that strong. They stand up like bullets and he then makes me lick his fingers. He begins to tease my large areolas with his wettened touch. I shiver a little at his touch and he smirks, lowering his mouth to suck my nipple while sliding his hand between my legs. He runs his fingers lightly over my inner thighs before nearing my lips. Slipping a finger between my petals, he finds my flower coated in nectar as my clit pulses. A not-so-subtle cough from my husband pulls his attention to check his cards as the. Arie penetrates as fast as possible and after 1minute and a half he is almost cumming. " I will count down . from 10, than you will shoot. OK?" "OK my goddess" " 10...9...8...7..6...5...4...3...2...1 NUT GIVE IT LL YOU GOT!" commands Adriana. Arie shoots a gigantic load in her pussy, but it is so big, he pulls it out and shoots an entire load on her boobs as well. A gigantic load on her belly and boobs are present, and the cccum that is still dripping out, lands on her hairy pussy. " Adriana,.
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