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If you have not read Knocked Out then read that first!Yesterday had been quite an amazing day. I had been out cross dressed butalso enjoying a variation on my cross dressing by wearing a nappy. Allhad been well until when I ducked into an entrance to avoid a car I endedup being knocked over by it. When the female driver, Helen, realised Iwas cross dressed, rather than be repulsed she was very understanding,and later admitting her brother had cross dressed. Helen then surprisedme totally by. . a title I found amusing since it sounded like I was reading a book owned by someone else ... when the doorbell rang.It rang twice more in the time it took me to get to the door. I found if I moved slowly, it didn’t hurt so badly. Finally, I got to the door and opened it. To my surprise, Margret stood on the other side.“Margret? Is everything okay?”“No, it is not. Can I come inside?”I stepped out of her way, and let her by. She walked past me and sat down in the living room on one of the. I push my hand between your legs and find that you have already started to get wet. You moan as I put my finger inside you.I gently finger fuck you. You raise your left leg and put your foot flat on the bed, giving me more access. I keep it up until your hips start to move and your breathing gets faster. I stop kissing you neck and say, "Wait a minute." I remove my finger and reach behind me to the night table. I grab another condom. "Put it on me," I ask and turn on my back. You turn to face. ??? "Do youthink about the huge fucking dick of our Lord Jesus Christ underhis loin cloth as he hangs on the cross? Do you thinkabout the big fat dickof Jesus, and do you play with your dirty little dickwhile you do?"??? The boy was soterrified, he fell to his knees. He put his handstogether like he was praying. "Please, Sir!"? Father Bartontook the soft young face in one hand and held it firmly.?? "Do youthink about the big fat cocks on the twelve disciples?? Big fatcocks and balls under their.
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