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They watched some TV together and chatted about the day. Angela said she had gotten paid and gave Dawn the rent money and a little to cover food. She wished it could have been more, but her next check would be bigger and she would be able to give Dawn more money to cover groceries. Angela knew that she had not paid her share in a while and felt bad about that. When the hour had passed, Angela excused herself for a few minutes and went back to her bedroom. She lubed up her fingers and used them. Andre got close to her and laid down in front on her, him on his right side. Starting into her eyes, she smiled, and Andre pushed his cock into Soni’s wet pussy again. He pushed it in deep then waited a moment before slowly thrusting. He also left some space between his chest and her breasts so I could cup her tits. Soni pushes her ass back onto my cock and spread her ass cheeks with her hands to help me enter. I laid down and slowly entered her ass, but I couldn’t tell how it felt for her. For. Wow Raju, your mother really milked your balls last night to great effect, I nodded my head and said yes aunty she certainly did. Do not worry Raju, because your mother was following instructions from Doctor Sara to find out how many times you could make orgasm before you went dry, this is all part of the herbal and hormone treatment to assess the status of your development. Anyway Raju, come to kitchen and I have coffee ready for you, also Raju when you see your mother this morning you go and. " Before I could even react in shock, Diane pushed back hard and slammed me into her. The feeling of her warmth enveloping my entire cock was intense and all I could utter back was a yell of pleasure. "I've seen you catch glimpses of Lily's gorgeous ass. I've watch you lust over those perfect tits of hers." As she said she she continued to work my dick, fucking me hard. I was helpless to move. A slave to the pleasure of watching her firm ass pound into me as she invoked visions of my daughter's.
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