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That I had no hold on her and that she hadn't even mentioned my name all night. And finally that she'd already given him a yes when he'd asked if he could stay the night. I was crushed and tears began to stream down my face to add to the humiliation of it all. Then Jody said something that shocked me but at the same time excited me beyond belief. "Hey Michael, don't take it so hard. I knew you had a crush on her so I told her that we'd be a threesome, and she didn't object. So you can join us. I could feel a hard cock 8n my hand but it wasn't my cock,a strange,new but most enjoyable sensation. I hand to use T's shoulder to steady myself. My knees felt weak,my whole body was shaking,a most amazing feeling. Begging wanked off by a strange hand was out of this world.T. was making me feel like never before. I was watching my hand as I wanked T's hard cock,I was mesmerised. It looked and felt so much better the I had ever imagined, so much better.T's hand felt so good as well.The feel of. "If they harm a single hair of my beloveds head, I will slaughter every last one of them," He roared. "Bring me my armor, my sword; I want two score fully armed guardsmen ready to ride in one hour. Swift and terrible shall be my vengeance upon these vermin." Now is not the time for hasty action, my son," said Queen Charlotte as she swept into the room. Stately in her flowing robes, her smooth, rosy skin and flashing blue eyes beling the fact she was two score and four years of age and had ruled. I enjoy eating pussy, and I love eating pussy after I creampie it. You just need to relax, I’m going to eat my cum out of you, then I’ll keep eating your pussy until I’m hard again. Once I have a raging hard-on, I’m going to fuck you again, and this time you won’t get off so easy,” I told her.“Again? Do we have enough time for that? How many times have you already gotten off tonight? What if we get caught?” she asked, sounding almost panicked.“Yes, again,” I told her, looking up at her, she was.
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