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Hannah fluttered her eyelids and putting on her best ‘little girl lost’ voice came straight back. “Well Claire, honey, can I help it if your boy’s got eyes on stalks? I promise to do my best if you try and keep hubby’s eyes where they should be.”Cue more laughter from Jason and me, enjoying the verbal fencing between our two ladies. For once, Claire let someone else get the last word – sort of, as she smiled sweetly. “Well, that sounds fair, Hannah. I’ll try and control boy wonder, as you. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t there, he was always there, nor was he in any of the other bars. Finally as the heavens opened and the rain poured down I stumbled home, feeling dejected and insecure. And there he was, standing in my doorway, waiting. He turned toward me as I walked toward him, and without speaking he pulled me to him, his lips finally finding mine as the rain soaked through to our skin. We stood like that for what felt like forever, exploring each other. As our lips parted. Tatya, I don't know anything about trees. Do you think you can talk to him and work out a solution?" What makes you think I'm knowledgeable about trees?" she asked with a frown."Uh, well, I thought you would be able to make a better decision than me. I'm sure you can come up with something that will work."She looked at him with a strange expression. This was something new and unexpected. He wanted her to handle the decision."Okay ... I guess that makes sense. I'll call the landscaper right away. Poor Paul, he had to be the first one tosee Amy's body. At least their son Grant was spared such a sight.It was not until I met Pastor Sebastian Slater that I was able tofinally able to find Peace and put aside my anger against my father andforgive him. Believe me when I say that was the hardest thing to do inmy life. Thanks to him, I became a Christian and met my beloved husbandJonathan and joined the sorority that helped me to become a woman. Bestof all, I have a son.When I read the letter, I.
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