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As they approached the house, three dogs came running out of the largest barn. They hesitated at leaving the car until they heard a loud whistle and saw a large black man walking from the same barn. The dogs immediately turned and ran back to the man.Irene and Jade left the car and waited there, unsure of their surrounds and what to expect. They had taken a huge gamble and leap of faith in driving nearly four hours from Birmingham to west central Mississippi to meet this man after nearly a half. He lubed up her anus with his precum and then fed the head inside as she groaned in passion and announced to one and all how good she was feeling.As he slid his organ deeper, George cried out that he could feel John's cock moving inside her ass and it was actually rubbing against his organ through the thin membrane and felt fabulous. When he was deep inside her and his cock hairs were mashed against her ass cheeks, she started to ride George's pole and he moved in and out of her ass in rhythm. Now, stand up straight. I want to get a look at you. That’s it. Shoulders back, tits out. Feet shoulder width apart,” he barked in a low voice. Karen and Kerry stood to attention as if they were on a military parade ground, their shoulders back, their tits thrust out, nipples stiff with excitement.Kerry had never felt more naked than at this moment. She knew she was pretty. Boys always responded to her. Jim was obviously aroused, but he just stood there, looking at her, and his scrutiny made. I was in charge. I looked at her with a devilish smile, as I spread her legs wide and positioned myself at her pussy. I had my cock in my hand running it up and down her slit and flicking her clit. With each flick her body shook. “Stick your cock in me all ready will you,” she pleaded. I stopped and took my hands off my cock and reared back as if to get up and leave. She cried and groaned and pleaded, “I want you, you big tease. Get inside me now! I am more than ready and you know it. Do it.
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