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It was nearly 50 miles from my house and we booked nice suit room facing sea. We both went to sea and bathed for few hours. I asked her to wear consume and she did. When i saw her in swimming dress,i was stunned looking her. She was looking very young and more sexy. I could see her curvy figure in much better way. I greeted her for her look and she smiled. During the bath , we came more close by body,teased each other, touched each other body lovingly. We talked about sexual things and felt. I eventually got the hang of it after about 2 weeks of driving it constantly and stalling out in several embarrassing places (at a tollbooth on the highway and in front of a cop at a stop sign were the 2 worst) and I love it. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to an automatic. Anyway, I turned into Liv’s driveway and parked. Walking up the driveway to her front door, I felt butterflies, but I didn’t know why. I rang the doorbell and waited nervously. Her mother opened it and welcomed me warmly,. Again, it was more than I could handle and I instinctively pulled back and started to bring my hand up. He must have been expecting it, because he intercepted me and squeezed my wrist with a vice-like grip. His strength distracted me and he used the opportunity to slap my face with his cock again, this time hard enough to really hurt. THWOMP. THWOMP. THWOMP.With my wrist still in his grip he leaned in close to my face and said, "You will not disobey me again, understand? You are here to be my. My father was the Devil. And there was an ancient Greek god after me. And you thought your life was hard! Coach said he could see a lot of his old pal Lucifer in me. I sincerely wish he’d stop saying that name. I think my discomfort pleased him. Coach said he’d been watching me for some time. For ages he’d looked after me, using his magic to shield me from the forces which would destroy me if they knew what I was. Unfortunately, he couldn’t shield me from a Pagan god. Erebus power was far.
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