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Ari pictured the four boys slowly closing in on her. What had happened next? She tried desperately to remember how she had ended up here. “Why did they attack me?” Ari asked, backing away from the stranger slowly. Perhaps if she had of been in a normal frame of mind then she would have known that her rescuer could not know the answer to this question. But she was not in a normal frame of mind, she was strife with shock and she stared at him, desperate for an explanation as to why this had. My da asked Honey have you seen what I am doing to your mom in the night. I told Yes.Now my mom told me that It is the ritual in their family that dad will break the hymen of their daughter and she has been done by her da, then grand father and than my dad.Now At first I was made nude and oil was applied ion my body specially in my vagina.Now my mom became nude at first and took my dad’s cock in her cunt and within short time she discharged on my dad’s cock and the humongous cock when came out. I let her know that I am cumming and she seems to thrust back against me with even more vigour. I know that I am about to fill the condom as my spunk leaves my balls. Ordinarily, I would have spunked all over her face, but this time I just want release. I leave my cock resting inside her as it slowly becomes limp. I eventually pull it out and remove the condom. I place it down beside her and leave it there as she too starts to recover from my efforts. That is when a dog rushes up to me and. She let out a deep breath as she started thrusting it into herself harder and faster. I followed her sultry pace as she did so.Suddenly. Tena let out another yelp as she opened her legs wide and pulled the dildo out. A shallow stream of cum struck the camera and drenched it as her sweaty body laid motionless, twitching from her wet orgasm.Tena: Oh God! Professor! You sure know how to fuck a naughty student! Now, cum on my face, Professor!Tena laid down, with her face upside down, towards the.
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