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I was leaking pre-cum already and he spread it around my bulbous cock head with relish and squeezed out a little more for good measure. Then he stood up in front of me with that fine cock of his just inches from my face and I didn’t wait to be invited to take it in my hands. Just a few strokes was all it took from me to get him super hard. I’m reasonably well hung and thick but he was more so than me in length and his was curved like a banana whereas I’m pretty much straight. He really did have. I tell the boys what the situation is, and they’re quick to work out arrangements. Each wagon has more than enough space to sleep one person on the seat with another in the foot area, also the bed area of the smaller wagon will handle five nicely, or six fairly well if no one does a lot of moving about. With half our people in the tavern we’ve more than enough space for us. We end up with Jason and Joseph using the seats of the big wagons, the camp staff using the small wagon, and I elect to. It does help having strong, long legs, though. Well, it does now. Back then when your body is still developing it doesn’t completely understand itself. It’s like giving a child a Ferrari. They can make it go, but the handling and technique is probably not perfect. Anyhow, all that to say that morning I decided to run down the coast at sunrise. About a mile down the beach, as the sun was peeking over the trees, I saw a girl about my age slowly walking in the sand. The slight breeze in her long. And I waited.And waited.And then, from nowhere, le wild message appeared!"Sure. I'll be at the bar. Start the scene right away and don't break it, my safe word is "hippopotamus" .Well, this was a surprise. Heck, it was a shock to the system; I didn't really expect her to answer me. OH SHIT, WHAT DO I DO?! How can I do a scene (and, hey, how deep a scene does she actually want?) with no equipment, I can't really take bondage kit on the plane I need to take to get there, can I? I can just imagine.
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