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Wilk.Its so big”“Call me Tom ,Baby. I know its large but we will go real slow.Once I am inside you,you will feel alot of feelings.I bet you begin to enjoy him fully.” He laughs. I laughed too as I got his little clever joke that he was going to get me full of his hard cock and manly sperm.I sat my willing hole on his hard man cock.“That a girl.Keep breathing slow and push out your anal lips like you are trying to capture my cock crown which you are." We smiled at each other. I moved my hole. ”“So, if I were to just push you to your knees and pull your face into my pussy you’d actually get excited by doing it?”“Yes, Mistress. My husband found out how excited I get when he just bends me over and fucks me, so he tends to do that regularly.” She paused to look the mistress in the eye. “Would you like me on my knees with my tongue in your pussy?”The Mistress smirked at her, and moved to her chair. “Well now, I’ve never actually tested your abilities in that area. You’ve said you’re very. At that point I had been fucked by him, jerked and sucked him off. He had shot a few times on my face and made me lick it up. I had missed a few weeks and was going crazy to see him. A Tuesday night came and I had a late night massage scheduled with him. I arrived, took a shower, and got on table with my face down. He had come out and we chatted like we had always done. Jim was naked now and started to work on my ass. It always felt good, with his touch and my hips pushing back against his. Gasping with the force of my orgasm, I felt the second spurt shoot into my open mouth, laying a line of fluid down the center of my tongue. It was hot and sticky, slippery, and I kept myself still, having found the "sweet spot" on the second try. My cum gushed into my mouth, four, five more times before the flood became a trickle, and I unbent, lying on my back and swallowing.After the pulsing in my loins and the shaking of my legs had subsided, I glanced at the clock. Just after nine o'clock,.
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