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"I know what you two were up to before, you know. Lucky bitch." I didn't know what to say. "I need a cock, right now," she continued. She had clearly been in bed. Her dressing gown was worn loosely, her bare legs visible from above the knee. "I'm just going to go downstairs now..." I stated, weakly. "I don't think you are," she interrupted. "If you do, I'll run down and tell everyone you were spying on me. I don't want to hurt my sister you know. I'll never tell her. Do an old friend a favour. Ashley, on the other hand, has had sex with 3 guys now and given blowjobs to many more. Ashley is one of the hottest girls I have ever laid eyes on. She is about 5 ft. 6 inches with long legs and very tan skin. Her brown eyes are enough to make me hard if I stare long enough into them, and she has a terrific smile to go along with it. Her dirty blond hair goes perfectly with her tan skin and brown eyes. Her boobs are not that big, but they are perfectly round and when they are squeezed they are. She eventually arrived at the last button, and pulled my shirttail from its tucked position, gently letting it fall to the floor. She started kissing my chest, and sucked each extremely hard nipple as if it were her favorite candy.She kissed and licked her way down to my belt, and then reached for the buckle to release it. I stopped her briefly and led her to the bed. We lay down onto the satin sheets that were a deep red color, and she continued to unbuckle my belt. She popped open the button. She held out her hand and grabbed the req in my hand. "No, It's not for me," I said. She held up her index finger and spoke into the phone, "Mr Peterson, room 410, CBC and full work-up , yah , got it." Sara hung the phone up and looked at me. I said, "I'm new here and lost. I'm going to pick up a patient in the Psych ward, but the main door is locked. Can you tell me where the after hours entrance is ?" Sara said," better yet, I'll take you there myself. I hate to see people lost.".. and.
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