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I won't lie, I'm hoping your clients will come with us if they know you're working with us and I can even put you in charge of overseeing the accounts."The two men sat and talked. Without actually accepting the position, Andrew negotiated his salary and bonuses. He wanted to knew how much actual control he would have over his projects. He had a million questions for Mr. Baker who seemed to have all the answers at his fingertips.It was a good offer, there was no doubt about it. By the time they. “Fuck, mister. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Even prettier that models, or those girls in porn!”My wife slept on. “Want a closer look?”I asked. He nodded, but didn’t move.“You’ll have to stand up and walk over, Drew.”He did as he was told, a telltale bulge in his shorts. I smiled and watched as he crept closer.“I wonder what she’d think if she knew you were here?", I wondered aloud. He didn’t say anything but just stood beside the bed, drinking in my wife’s gorgeousness from. As I focused on Greta's facial body language and her ducktail I wassuddenly surprised to notice that Laura had once again joined us. Shecarried another jewelry box which she handed to Greta so she could takeout a gold-plated choker. It looked like it was a good 3 inches wide andI stood still as Laura placed it around my neck and fastened it in theback. This adornment would also require some tolerance in that it was farfrom loose-fitting. The choker was apparently a companion piece to. I smiled at him. “That’s being polite, Sir. My dad had the bug for going out and finding stuff. Sometimes it’d be nothing. Sometimes it’d be some gold ore. We lived pretty decently, because he found some Spanish treasure and would sell a little of it off, but we never had a large reserve of funds. Dad ... kept things solid, as it were, only selling off what he needed to, for us to survive. Mom home schooled me, so we lived pretty simply.”That seemed to satisfy him. “So, let’s see what we have.”.
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