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They could go anywhere in the city, look into any major case they chose.An honor to be selected. Although it still troubled me that they had a higher kill rate than even the SWAT teams.“Why did they even think to test for rabies? If it’s so rare?”“Dr. Daniels is an old-school coroner. He’d seen two other rabies victims. Thirty-some years ago.”“So when he saw all those dog bites...”Daddy nodded, a grim look on his face.Death had been cause by the trauma from dozens and dozens of dog bites. But. In fact, if he were to admit to any feelings of frustration it would bethat he didn't feel he could wear some of the blouses or dresses becausethey were too sheer, or cut too low. He wished he had something thatwould allow him to have what appeared to be natural breasts.Then there was his head. He enjoyed everything so much but when he sawhis face in a mirror atop one of the outfits, it depressed him a little.Today he decided to try and resolve that.After his shower he wrapped his towel around. Thank you for getting over here quickly. You are the last one to arrive, because we realized that my staff neglected to call your office until it was too late to catch you before you went all the way out to Defense. There was no insult intended, but it is fortunate that you are here right now.”Truman paused and looked over his closest supporters. Barkley, the Vice President in waiting, seemed to be the only one not happy with the situation they were about to lay on me. Everyone talked about. This makes it an even million.” She handed me the dollar bill. “Simon says he wants a good detective on retainer, just in case he needs to be found again. He’ll leave you a clue.”“Angel,” I exclaimed. “I can’t take this.”“Sure you can,” she said. “Simon says. He’s a good man, Deb. He knows a good detective has to be able to put her hands on cash at any time. This is invisible. Just put them in your private safe and pull them out when you need one. It never hits the books if you are careful. If.
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