Miss Rose mp4

Soon, he was at the willow and easily retrieved the cloak, dodging the branches almost half-heartedly. His spirit was subdued and all he could think about was Remus.Now that he had the cloak, he fastened it securely over his head and went into Hogsmeade. There was an Apparition point at the outskirts of the city and one very close to St. Mungo's. He didn't spare any time, heading off at a run.Within a few minutes, he was stealing into St. Mungo's behind some very cute mediwitches. He would have. No matter how she used her arms and legs to pull me into her, no matter how she thrust her pelvis upward, no matter how she whimpered in frustration, I maintained a steady pace, altering my speed to keep her off guard. Frenzy eventually took over, and I lost control, giving way to her demands to "Fuck me harder and faster."We were catching our breath when we heard a knock on the door."Are you all right, Honey?"I started to roll off of her, but her leg lock had me restrained. I felt her pussy. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and I'm about 210 pounds. I'm not super jacked but I'm in good shape. Anyway, we went to the club around 11 p.m. and when we got there we started dancing with random chicks who wanted a good time. I started grinding with an incredibly hot blonde with blue eyes and hair down to her midback, who just looked like she wanted to be fucked. She was wearing a red dress that showed a good amount of cleavage and that ended maybe two inches under her ass. She was at least a C. It turns out that Brianna was very orally skilled, she took my entire cock down very easily, and her tongue was all around my shaft, I looked down and saw her beautiful eyes looking up at me, then I came again. She took my cock out of her mouth and let me cum all over her face and breasts. Then she got up and smiled, and went into to bathroom to get cleaned up.Nicki came over to me, hugged me, and said "Thankyou, I couldn't have wished for a better guy to have sex with." Then she took my cock.
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