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She put up her play fight again as he ripped away her shirt revealing her bare breasts. They heaved and bounced as she kicked, her efforts earning her a smack across the face. She lay motionless long enough for him to push her skirt up and tear through the fabric of her panties. He slipped his hand up sideways and sawed back and forth, cupping her cunt as wetness slicked his palm. Holding his fingers up to the light, they both gazed at the evidence of her arousal. “It seems my cunt is more. Anthrope was a trial lawyer, and a good one. He made a fine living keeping people out of jail, or throwing them in it. With the exception of the frustrations caused by his daughter, he had a good life. (Well, there were monetary expenses she'd caused, as well, when he'd had to buy her out of some scrape she'd gotten herself into.)Turning to John, he continued. "I'm sorry to have caused you this trouble. I will take her home and we won't bother you any more." Now, he was waiting for the usual. "Thank you, sir. I'm sorry about the extra trouble we have caused you, but I promise on my behalf that I'll do my best not to disappoint you, and to support Marie and the baby."The disbelief in Marie's face turned into smile and without thinking she jumped to me and kissed me soundly. She pulled away and blushed a few seconds later. My aunty rolled her eyes again, and the judge was just chuckling. After that he discussed some legal details with my aunty and Marie was holding my hand so tightly. The path there was surrounded by woods on one side and the path had been used quite o often. I was walking past the lower complex windows when i heard moaning, I slow my steps down to crawl tryining not to break any branches in the dark. The light from the window was from the soft glow of about 8 candles lit in the room. I very quietly knelt down and below the open window and peeked in. I thought sure they would hear my heavy breathing or the sound of my heart beating in my chest that.
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