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She let out a small gasp.? He knew she hated this position, hated thathe could see her both holes.? He alsoknew that being in this position made her wetter.? He slid a finger up her engorged slit,pressing slightly against her asshole.?She thrust herself forward before she caught herself.? ?I?m so sorry!?? He could hear the mortification in her voice.? He decided to be merciful and he stroked herback.? ?It?s okay pet, now shhh??he stroked her lower, and gave her a few light spanks.? It?s okay,. “Okay, Alice. Let’s get some answers. Who or what were you running from?”She took a breath which, considering the state of her blouse, was impressive. “My bodyguards were or will soon be after me. They mean well but I just wanted to get away for a while. All I have seen of America up until now has been the pre-approved sights. I wanted to get to know people. That’s difficult when you’re always in an entourage. I was hoping to put down enough miles to get beyond the search. It didn’t work. He held her hips, and pushed gently down while he let go of her nipple and began kissing his way up towards her neck. His lips tingled with every kiss, and his penis stiffened in anticipation as she straddled him. She gently brushed the mouth of her vagina against the tip of his penis, then slowly engulfed him. He hugged her to him, as he felt her sliding down over him, then kissed her under the chin as they began to rock. She pressed herself tightly against him, and with each gentle rock of. She could still smell the burning rubber from the condom and her lower body was mostly numb. Before Emma could say another word she felt her pussy slip out a large and long queef from being stretched so much so quickly.“Damn bitch, you nasty.” Master D stated. Emma was embarrassed and quickly turned over to change the subject. As she looked up she could see that Master D was still fully erect.“You didn’t cum?” Emma asked.“Hell no girl, I can’t feel shit with this blanket on my dick” Master D.
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