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I watched her fondly as she strolled off into the jungly undergrowth, admiring the way her slim, tan legs and dark hair contrasted with the white cotton. Cindy was one delectable female, unless you happen to prefer the full-figured type. I grabbed a short length of rope with a loop on each end and found a palm tree that looked promising. The trick, which I picked up from the Nature channel, is to put your wrists through the loops with the rope around the tree, as if you'd been arrested by the. This is a natural process of aging that i am totally aware of. Naturally our daughter Nia took all my wifes great attributes. Nia is beautuful and athetic..gaining attension from the boys at school is easy for her , always on the phone with one of them. She has a few years left to go , i am protective so i dont let her date quite yet. So on the weekends when my wife has to work late shift , we get to hang out and watch movies , get take out , and stay up late. She tends to like to stay up past. . and pushed. I know I should have fucked her pussy a bit to get things wet, but NO FUCKING WAY. I was going straight to that ass. The lack of lube might have made it hard to break her ass open, but it gave way to me insanely rock-hard cock. Although I told her relax, her ass felt as tight as a virgin ass should be. Once it was in, I stopped at about 1/2 way, and let it sit there for a moment, asking her if she was ok. Like a trooper, she just said "Its Ok". I knew she was lying, but I. I very nearly shot my stuff! "Which of us do you want to slipper first Daddy?" Chrissie enquired her hands still rubbing behind her. "Zoe," I said without any particular reason. I was hooked and there was no going back, I didn’t want to! The younger girl came to my side without hesitation. "Pants down young lady," I ordered, she pulled the waistband over her hips and the pyjamas tumbled to her feet. "Across my knee."She barely weighted anything as she settled onto my lap, my cock now a flagpole.
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