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Her answer was to drag my next to the house, hidden in the shadows. She was bust unbuckling my pants, freeing my cock, when I heard her say, “Now that’s one hell of a piece of equipment!” Dropping to her knees, she kissed the crown of my cock, licking up the drop of pre-cum that had formed on the head. One hand fondling my balls, the other frigging the shaft and her warm wet mouth bobbing around the head made me groan. “Shhh!” she said, “Mum might hear!” then she returned to the task of bathing. I knew I made him horny as hell and what we need now is some little seduction.I got onto my middle berth and began lying down for sleep while he climbed up to the top berth with his eyes fixed on me. I arranged myself to show him as much skin as possible while pretending to sleep. The lights went off and I had a hard on. After an hour, I heard him get down go off for piss. I immediately arranged myself, removed my boxers and was sleeping with my red underwear. My shirt was raised above my boobs. I hear him coo encouragingly, the silly thing. He thrusts in with the finger, not gently, but by now he doesn’t need to be. He strokes around inside. My cunt’s getting all plastered to the vinyl in front. I take my mouth away from the stranger and rest my head against the pillow, thrusting my ass around, feeling my nipples scratch against the bed sheets, my hand holding on to the base of the stranger’s cock as I start to wank it.“Put it inside me, please baby?” I cry.“Put what inside,” Oliver. Shreddies? Toast ... marmalade or jam?" Toast, please," Malcolm said, "marmalade ... black coffee."Sasha nodded. "The same for me, but some milk in the coffee, please."Susan woke gradually. The psychotropic drugs she'd been subjected to linger in the bloodstream, but she was much more aware than she had been for days. She lay there, taking in her surroundings, vaguely aware of having had an unpleasant dream. Why was she in a large double bed, in a room she didn't recognise?A woman entered the.
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