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Hours later, I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming and yelling at my daddy. "I can't believe you let that little bitch sleep all evening! None of her work is done! Look at this mess. Who's gonna clean it up?" My so called mother went on."Carrie." Dad tried to speak. I was now sitting at the top of the stair way. I could see them in the living room. The very same room where, just a few short hours ago dad and I were so filled with a confused kind of love,, was now filled with a more. She arched into him, eyes shut tight, savoring the feeling of him inside her, hot and throbbing. He waited there for a moment, kissing her, nuzzling her neck, before he carefully pulled out and slid back in. She groaned against him, kissing his neck and holding him close. Her hands slipped into his hair, pulling his head away and kissing him hard, giving him permission to go faster, harder. He grinned, kissing her back just as hard, then slammed into her that took her at her word, leaving her. She was running her hand up and down the inside of his leg while drinking her wine now. He knew that their waiter had better hurry up or they were going to have a show right there at the restaurant. Watching her lick her lips after tasting her wine was making him hard as a rock he thought. Eve dipped her hand under the table again to rub his leg and she noticed his dress pants were a little tight. She felt for the crotch and realized the problem so being the professional that she was she. The spring is some distance from here, but I should return within an hour." Good."And with that he was off.The three young women rested in the shade at the edge of the beach, awaiting his return.They replayed the morning's events. Julie decided she was too embarrassed to admit what had happened in the abbot's private sitting room, so she left out that part. After a brief pause, she said, "What did you two think of the men?" Excuse me?" You've never seen men before, right? Never even seen a.
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