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Eventually a vehicle came to collect us, and we said our farewells to the trainees, one especially amicable Krell almost crushing me with a giant, scaly hug.The drive was not far, we would have to be near the trainee barracks and the school building after all, we were brought to a large, squat building that housed the officer’s quarters, attractive blue, pink and yellow floral arrangements lined the front of the structure. To my surprise, Raz was enamored with the yellow flowers and knelt to. " What are you doing Ike?" Izzy asked me."Draining off her more negative emotions. Hopefully that will stop her laughing and then she can tell us what's going on. Then, maybe, I can do something more permanent to help her."Charlie's manic laughter finally tapered off. She was gasping for air and wiping the tears from her eyes while Lilly helped her to her feet. The pair of them walked unsteadily to a concrete bench beside a nearby path and sat down side by side. Peggy, Izzy and I followed after. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” Jack said quickly. “I won’t make you. I don’t ever want to put you in the position to have to be asking yourself the same questions about me that I’m asking about Morant. You know I respect you too much to do that.”Quinn nodded. His heavy brows furrowed in thought. “I have had very few masters who treated me as you do. I think Lord Morant would not be nearly so kind in your place.”“That’s a scary thought,” Jack grimaced.“Indeed,” Quinn agreed.. Someone brought in a catalog of costumes including a Santa suit and they decided to have a sit on Santa’s lap week.Now since the girls were busy working on getting their license guess who was going to be Santa? The new Girl! Just by coincidence I own a very sexy Santa outfit and I offered it to Cindy as my Christmas present.They put up a poster in the window offering pictures with Santa for anyone who wanted them.Everyone was very excited about it and promised to have their boyfriends come in.
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