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As they told they were having a kitty party and to add some spice to it, they had called me in. I was still not sure whether all of them were going to get fucked by me. I was excited and nervous.The lady who was youngest of all was Preeti. She must be around 28 and had a sexy figure. She was wearing jeans and a loose t shirt. They all were looking at meAnd laughing . Preeti was the first one to speak. “So, Aakash we all would like to play a bit with you. ” I said “That is what I am here for.. You won't let me.'"Alright, put him on," I requested."Can't, he's in the South Pacific." Who is running the place?" I was afraid of the answer. I was right."I am."I sighed, "Can you help me?" Probably not." This is Anderson Salvage?" Yes, can I help you?" Who does your towing work when the Salvor is away?" Mr. Anderson." May I speak to him?" Just a minute. He's fishing at our dock. He's old and slow."Without covering the mouthpiece or even pulling it away from her mouth, she hollered, "ANDY!. Had wanted. I softly snorted to myself. Not after last night, I realized. Not with someone who didn't want me and was only using me as a stand-in for a long lost love. I had friends, true friends, who were happy to sleep with me, and a romantic love that just might be coming back into my life.Thinking of Tina calmed me. I let my mind shift over to memories and more relaxing fantasies of her. It wasn't long after that when I finally fell asleep.The next morning I debated a little about calling. I delved into her well, flicking and reaching deeper and deeper. When she was on the verge of another full climax, I pulled my tongue from her and drove my aching rod in its place, pounding hard. The reaction of her body was beautiful, the curve of her as she arched, the sweet wail that broke from her lips as she came again, fingernails scratching on the tile in front of her. I fucked her hard, my cock head aimed for her g-spot on each downward stroke, causing wave after wave of spurting wet.
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