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Sara and Polo, gave him a cheer, much to his amusement, he smiled at us. Margarita in the meantime had rolled a bit more onto Julio and he was still pounding away. “Cum you bastard!” She screamed at him. “Here it comes!” He screamed back as his hips made a final thrust up emptying his load into her. “Now that’s a fuck, the best ever!” Margarita said as she lay back on the bed trying to get her breath back, with cum dripping out of her. Again, the three of us watching started to applaud as. "Oi calm your jets!" She snapped, pushing her hand to my forehead stopping me, "You don't get to taste the sweet honey from this pot 'til you've proven your loser slut tongue is good enough." Sorry." I apologised sheepishly."Start by licking my feet." She instructed, raising her right foot up towards my face."Ok." I obediently replied."That's 'Yes Miss', you dirty whore!" She snapped."Sorry, Yes Miss." I obeyed. I held my tongue back out and placed my hand onto her ankle."Ew don't touch me!". . well, I couldn't even allow myself to think those words. I tried to force the image out of my head, but it wouldn't go.'No, no, no,' I mentally begged myself, trying to revive the image of Toby, but my mind wasn't playing nice. I grunted at myself in annoyance, but the thought of Carl behind me sent of pang of excitement through my body. What would it be like if he really was there in the cubicle? How would I react? How would I squirm? I winced as I imagined Carl wrap his big hands around my. I was dissapointed, but I understood she had a very busy schedule. The crew had finished cleaning and packing. Before I knew, I was the only one still there. Or so I thought. I sat down on the couch that was there and opened my computer .I opened PhotoShop to edit the photos of Victoria. I started working on the photos when I heard a voice. “Mind if I take a look?” Victoria asked as I jumped. “Oh I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “It’s fine. You just caught me off guard..
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