Police Piss Drinking Encouragement mp4

"You fucking this guy Bill?" Na. Just a blowjob, " Bill shrugged. "So far."A big black hand pulled me upright and the other tore my clothes off. I stood in front of both of them naked. I tried to hide myself; to the joy of both men.Raheem locked the office door and unzipped his coveralls. His onyx barrel chest glistened with a sheen of sweat. His cock fell from his clothes like a tentacle of some monster. I was thrown on the round table in front of me and Bill got behind me. His tongue. According to the wasted husk that was Captain Xhiewa, they arrived at the walls at dawn with a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. The Peistis did what Peistis losing a city always do, they sent the women and children to the ships and the men, boys, and what women will fight all went to their deaths. Not a single prisoner was taken by the Truzlos Khitonans as they swept through the city."At the harbor, those fleeing made it into the ships just as dawn broke, revealing the Truzlos Navy. That moment came fast as my pop rose and my knees buckled a bit as my hand went to the back of her head and I shot my load in her mouth as I cried out a loud "OOOOOOFFFF" as I pumped at her mouth as she struggled not to swallow what was billowing her cheeks. I moved my hand from her head and she bent and spit a mouthful of cum into the stream of cooling water going to the drain. Then she covered my cock again with her mouth and lightly stroked the rest of my cum out and bent to spit that as. “Ill text you my address, and will see you in an hour,” I said, as I walked out of the office, not looking back at Jae once. I was about half way home, when I had heard my phone beep, it was a text from Jae, ‘I’m so fucking horny. I want your cock so bad. Are you sure your wife will be fine with this?’ I pulled to the side of the road, and sent her our address, followed by a short note, ‘She will love to watch me fuck you, and she would love to taste you for herself.’ Jae’s reply was.
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Police Piss Drinking Encouragement

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