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After only a few minutes of my attending to his stiffness with my mouth I felt his sack tighten and immediately knew what was about to happen, the question was what was I going to do? My first thought was to pull away and have him give me a facial that I would enjoy beyond words, but that thought was quickly replaced with the image of my ruined make-up and my still having to return home. Maybe I could just stop and finish him off with a hand job, but I actually found that thought to be. He turned on the reading lamp beside the bed.“You were good tonight,” he said, taking her guitar case from her and standing it up against the wall.The emotion she remembered from the concert rushed back and washed all over her and her eyes glazed over slightly.“It was magical,” she sighed. “It’s never been like that.”“You were good,” he said again.Her eyes cleared and she looked at his. He was looking at her chest. It was only the second time he’d ever done that, at least that she’d noticed.. A couple of nights when I was really horny I would pick up some of my still warm cum with my forefinger and thumb and bring it up to my waiting mouth. I’d lick my fingers clean with my tongue and just hold the cum in my mouth, swirling it around, savoring the slightly salty seed I had just shot. Finally I’d swallow it, thinking the next time Jason and I blew each other, I’d like to have that same taste in my mouth, only it would be Jason’s cum I’d be tasting and swallowing. During those three. Bill." He chuckled out loud when he thought about the girl's reaction to more new goodies. He was going to force them to push the envelope, and he had no doubts that they were fully capable of the task.He just wanted to avoid having anything "pre-recorded" like all of the specials "The Who" had on the "Who's Next" album and tour. They had put a tape deck on the stage and fed all the keyboards and synths into the "system" while they played the bass, drums and lead parts on their usual.
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