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“I’ll buy it,” she said decidedly. We went to the sales desk where we met Triss again.“Found anything?” I asked, while Martina paid.He shook his head. “Modern porn is just joyless,” he said. “Nothing for me.” He eyed Martina’s new purchase as the assistant put it into a blank plastic bag. “Seems you had more luck,” he said.“Depends,” I replied and took Martina’s hand. “Wanna try it?” I whispered to her. She looked at me incredulously, but said nothing. We went to the exit, and I led her. This was going to be my 1st time with a midget.Your place or mine I asked. which ever 1 closer. So we went to her place. I sat down on her bed knowing what was about to helpen. she came out of the bath room naked very HOT tan. she took off my pants, while I was standing up. She started rubing my DICK with her two baby hands, rubing my balls. it look funny but it felt good. Then she started sucking on my Dick and grabing my balls. I grab the back of her head but she movied my hands. Her hands. “Would you like Dave to fuck you in the ass?”“Oh my god yesssssssss” she hissed.“Tell me.” Bobby commanded.“I want Dave’s big hard dick in my ass daddy.” Steph groaned.Maria noticed that they could switch who was dominant depending on the situation. They both obviously got a kick out being dominated. Bobby pulled out of Steph and Maria watched his hard slick cock jutting skyward. ‘Oh to be a teenage slut again’ she thought.“Where’s your phone?” Bobby asked Steph.Steph pointed to the nightstand. All the holding and cuddling each other my cock got hard and i pooked her on the leg and she said “is there a pen in your pocket sanju” “no ” i replied “why” then she reaches down and grabs my cock saying “wats that” and holds on to it.“ohhh, that hurts” i yell she says in a calm voice “is that ur penis,” i say, “yeah” she still has it in her hands, “Can i see it,” “okay” i said so she tried to look at it because it was dark she kept touching it and man it felt like heaven. “i wanna see yours,”.
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