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I was getting close when i realized i heard foot steps coming towards the door and then a knock. Jackie ask ‘you guys ready’ my girl answered ‘in a sec i think hes close to coming’ Jackie answered ‘ ok well don’t spill any on your dress. my girl smiled and got back to sucking me off. I had forgotten how sexual their conversations are and how comfortable they are with their sexuality that had turned me on all the more and blew my load in her mouth and just like he said she didn’t spill a drop. So, I just shave around my lips and leave the rest to grow’.I told her to stop talking and show me. Well, her engorged cunt lips were bald but she had loads of hair around it and turning around, and pulling aside her flabby arse cheeks showed off her really hairy shit hole which was I noticed, was not very tight. ‘Pete, I haven’t had sex for quite a while and I can see that you want to fuck me. However, I only really like my cunt and clit being fingered while a big, stiff cock slides in and out. When I finally focused on to the other people in the house, I noticed people kissing each other intimately, groups of three or four people engaging in sexual acts, and some people just sitting and watching. You take me to a couch and sit me down and introduce me to a bunch of people. I shyly say hi and keep a steady stare at the ground. You leave briefly to get more drinks, and my heart flutters as I look around quickly, growing more and more curious of your plans. Upon your return, you come to. A second after Zax comprehended the picture his Soul Sense perceived, he sensed the retaliation of Ginlin's soul energy, and then his dejected yellow fox figure vanished.'Where-' The thought was deafened by an impending sound..."RaaaAOOH!" A huge maw with abnormally sharp teeth reached from within the dust cloud, so close to his face it got in a single breath that Zax could perfectly smell the blood covered fangs.When Ginlin felt Zax's Soul Sense, he instantly activated his own Soul Sense to.
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