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So there i was alone, scared and still with a hard on i quickly turned and headed down the laneway in the opposite direction, reaching the other end it opened up into a small grassy area and the waters edge, a deadend with now where to go.I was pretending to admire the moored boats on the waterwhen he caught up to me and said hello.I faked being being a little startled like i had not seen him before and said "oh.....hi".I guessed he was about in his forties, well dressed and groomed and. I told Richard to just turn off the lantern it’s so dark in a national forest I felt relief being in the dark I was feeling funny and guilty at the same time as I realized if my son’s cock penetrated me I wouldn’t stop him I felt my face burning in shame he fumbled around and got some more lotion and squirted it on my legs butt and back Then in total shock I felt him lower his body down onto mine he said mom is it ok if I just like rub the lotion in this way his cock settled in between my butt. Oh hold me, hold tight," she screamed as she lost it.The climax rocked her body and I held on for dear life as she thrashed, twisted and bucked all over the sofa. I kept right on eating her pussy and I held onto her shapely ass as she thrashed about. She slowly calmed after her intense orgasm and I continued to lick her until her pussy was dry. As we lay on her sofa I continued to lick and kiss her bare thighs as she ran her hands through my hair."That was a great cum. Now it's my turn."I. She and Chelsea were relentless about me being a girl, at home and out, tokeep up the deception, though they had let their hair go back to beingblonde. Every day I learned more about makeup and stuff, and they wouldmake me practice talking on the phone as a girl to people who called. Ieven made a friend in another town, a girl named Kelly, who invited meover to swim in her pool, and who had three older brothers. I likedhanging out with her, though she teased me about my one-piece suit. I.
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