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Their paths had been thrust together one afternoon while at a local coffee shop. Camilla had just received her triple espresso macchiato from the barista when the cup spilled causing her to fall backwards and grind against Jason’s lap. It was lucky for her that he happened to be standing there to catch her, her coffee on the other hand had fallen mercilessly to the floor. "Are you alright" Jason asked pulling her to her feet. He couldn't help but notice how shapely she was, nice cleavage, slim. .and these are the rules for the un-owned subs that want a littlecontrol taken from them. These are optional, at least until you followrule #1...Rule #1: You belong to me, say it.Rule #2: if you have lipstick, wear it. Whenever Steve and Lilahkiss, press your lips together.Rule #3: Write back to me, or if you don't know what to write, be sureto click on the 'like' button. (the view counter on Patreon is broken,so I can't even tell if anyone is actually reading the stories rightnow.. "Uh… I mean… I don't think it's anybody's business, Sam." Tori, you caught me with a dude's dick in my mouth… I think we're passed the point of subtlety." If I tell you, you can't freak out… or tell anyone." Tori's heart was beating even faster than it was the last time she thought about Freddie, knowing Sam could murder her in this moment."Deal." It's Freddie." OF FUCKIN' COURSE IT IS!" Sam shouted, slamming her hand on the table as she stood up."You promised not to freak out, Sam!" Tori. At the same time, he began kicking off his shoes and unbuckling his belt. Maggie reciprocated by pulling her sweater off and unbuttoning her jeans. In a matter of moments, they were both naked as they kissed and groped their way towards the bed. It was at this point, that things began to go flat. Todd stopped Maggie short of the bed and with firm, unyielding pressure pushed her to her knees in the floor. Using one hand to guide her head and the other his stiffening prick, he tried to ram.
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