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Being on ones knees for hours with two young cocks buried in your butt, takes a toll on the body and emotions. The two of them were far worse than Daniel, Bruce and Charlie, at least with the three of them I was allowed to rest between insertions. But Franklyn and Paul, mounted my butt as quickly as one would pull out. Finally I was begging my two assailants to hurry up and come in my butt. This seemed to please them, that they had me begging for their dicks. Finally Franklyn took hold of my. We got in and he closed it after himself. "Hope you don't mind me going straight for the shower." I told him. "Not at all." Tom said and watched me go. I dropped my clothes onto the ground and stepped into the shower and began to wash myself. At the first touch of the shower, I felt my cock harden to semi-erectness while I lathered myself up with soap. When I got to my cock, I slipped the bar of soap into my other hand as my now free hand wrapped around my cock. I started to stroke myself as my. That is, if I 'donate' to their private office fund. My appointment with Dr. Rains was scheduled at 1:00 pm, his first appointment returning to the office after lunch. The pain was intense that morning and I went in early, hoping the pain might subside while I was waiting for him. As always, Teresa was there to make my life easier. “Mr. Jameson, I see by the schedule that you have an appointment with Dr. Rains later today. Is everything all right?” she asked. “Miserable toothache, Teresa,. I love the gold flecks, and the brown is like polished oak; breathtakingly beautiful. So is your whole face, little Butterfly. You are seriously hot. Even if you don’t believe it, and your tits have nothing to do with it. And don’t even get me started on your smoking hot little dancer’s body. You are exquisite, Honey,” I complimented her with the complete truth as I saw it.“You ... you really believe that, don’t you?” she asked in wonderment.“Yes, I do. Because it’s true,” I stated simply.She.
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