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Jimmy Palmer. We were teamed up, much to my dismay. Our two lectures were on the first two Saturdays in December. The actual trip took place the week between Christmas and New Years. There were five teams; each had different starting and ending points.Mom drove us to the starting point on Sunday in her Suburban. It was about an hour and a half drive. Bev and Vicky were with us, talking about guys in the back seat the whole time. Jimmy and I were in the middle seat but we didn't talk about a. When it was down to just him and me and there was over 7grand on the table, I knew he had a good hand so I triedto force him to quit, but not John, he was sure he hadme, so I put all I had left on the table because I knewhe couldn’t match it and would have to fold. Or so Ithought. John couldn’t match my $3200.00 call bet, so he said, “Iknow I have you beat, so I’ll throw in a night with Kimif you’ll let me stay in the game.”I asked him if he was nuts because. “As their father of course,” she said. “The girls know who you are. And like I said they do ask about you from time to time. You need to reconnect with them.”It was all I could do to keep from wheeling over to where my ex-wife was sitting and spit in her face. But, I smiled instead.“Their real dad going to be okay with that?” I said.“Sam, damn it! But yes, okay. He’s going to be good with that,” she said. I nodded. But the nod was laden with negativism, and I could feel a snarl twisting my. “Good,” Francine replied as she pushed the coat from Elizabeth’s shoulders. “I knew you would.” Before Elizabeth had time to respond, Francine lunged at her and started to kiss her passionately. Initially, Elizabeth tried to fight it but within seconds she closed her eyes and allowed Francine’s tongue to push into her mouth. Their saliva mixed and their tongues wrestled as they both unbuttoned each other’s blouses. Soft moans were muffled by the kiss and their lips slapped with lust whilst they.
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