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He stretched it out to see what itlooked like. and let out a gasp as he saw in big letters on thenecklace the word 'SISSY'. Julie told him to put it on. He didn'twant to but he put it on to please Julie. Then she said they weregoing out for supper to celebrate his new job. At the supper club Julie ordered a crab salad and told thewaitress that her sissy husband would have the same. Then she askedthe waitress what she thought of his new necklace. the waitresslooked at it and laughed out loud.. They had guards over the clit, g-spot, and vaginal orgasm buttons, but the one like a dick was where it might trigger accidentally. The place in my head showed me how the frequencies it sent tricked her brain into thinking a dick was entering her when the button was down and pulling out when released. If held down for ten seconds, it began fucking her in her mind. Beside the button were up and down arrows. They increased the fucking speed. I only had the button down for a minute when she came.. I asked you if you wanted to go back to my house, I said, I would like to give you a very nice full body massage, you asked if I lived by myself, I said I yes, we will be entirely by ourselves, you said ok, but I lied to you.When we got back to my house, she said, will go in and check it before I go in? I did, but before I came back outside, I told my two buddies to hid quickly; you can watch, but be very quiet and make sure she doesn't see you and don't interfere.A few minutes later, when I. "I want you to help me like you said you would. I want to be fucking normal. I swore when I woke up this morning I would be Gail who woke up that morning back in '97 waiting for Mom and Sis to arrive. My Aunt Midge was a bitch who hated me. She couldn't wait for me to graduate and go back home with my Mom, and I couldn't wait to leave either. I wasn't a very good girl in high school. I fucked around a lot and partied a lot to be sure I got out of the house. Auntie Midge called me a whore and a.
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