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He even thought he saw his own name, but it was gone in a second. The quiet yet pleasant hum of an expensive craft approached the door and the two maids instantly stood taller. The sharply-dressed butler opened the door smoothly and bowed. ‘Welcome home, Lord Sensir.’ At first glance, Connor didn’t find this man who was to be his master to be anything to be afraid of, or impressed by. He wore gloves of a deep plum color that matched the cloak he was wearing over the black suit that was revealed. . pull up your skirt for me and sit in the chair.” I pull up my skirt this time showing my black hipster style nylon knickers with mess back covering my bottom with it’s pretty black wide lace trim and Pretty Polly 15 denier barely black stockings held up with a four strap matching suspender belt, I pull down my blue uniform shirt underneath skirt to make it tidy and sit down on the chair face him.He takes one length of black cord and fastens my right wrist tight to the chair, then with another. But don’t be scared. When it gets to be too much for you I’ll be there. Just tell me when you’ve had enough and my friends and I will get you out of there. Okay?”I nodded nervously and Cheryl led me out of the office and down the short hallway. I followed her out into the main room and as we entered the room the quiet buzz of conversation came to a sudden stop.I glanced around shyly. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by the idea that all these men are going to see me naked and most of them are. Please ALEX now."Both of their bodies seemed to flow together as they made mad, passionate love. My wife recalled that their first lovemaking was so passionate and full of raw, almost a****l-like passion. His thrusts were slow as if he wanted to savor each moment of sex with my wife. She admitted that she wanted him to pump faster but she did not want to spoil his momentum. My wife said that she acted without any inhibitions at all. She had this strange feeling that they were a newly-married.
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