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Me: “so what! I love u” and I was kissing her neck and back. She was also responding lightly to me.Sahana: “Raju, leave now. I’ve to change my dress and prepare dinner”Me: “u know Sahana, mom is not there. Can you do me the favor?”Sahana: “what favor?”Me: “can you wear that night wear which I had gifted u?”Sahana: “that sleeveless one?”Me: “yes.”Sahana: “I cannot wear now; it will reveal my skin a lot”Me: “so what, anyways mom is not there to object u”Sahana: “but you r friend Naveen! I don’t. She stood looking solemnly at me. This - woman, was not the Sarah I knew. Then she grinned and skipped."OK? This is my Saturday-night dress. At home chez Whitehead." Sarah! It's - a work of art. You're - beautiful! How much did it cost?" About £450 plus the shoes."I took a deep breath. "Worth every penny. Hey but there's more. Come on, come on."I unzipped her and hung the dress up for her. Even the hanger was padded and covered with the same cloth as the dress. Sarah was naked again,. . oh ... my God..." Kinda hurts, doesn't it? Now I don't want you making a bunch of noise. If you want to play the Danubian criminal, you will make it a point of honor to stay quiet. We got 24 to go ... or 49, if you so desire."Even after just one stroke, it was obvious from the expression in Lisa's face that she'd be damn lucky to make it to 25 strokes. 50 strokes was out of the question.Burnside twisted back and laid a second harsh blow, very close to the first stroke. Lisa gasped and. I don't quite know how it got round to jerking off, but ten minutes later I had admitted to jerking off other guys and having been sucked off by a guy. Nothing happened at that time and we both had another tot of rum before settling down for the night with the thought of an early start in the morning, as usual I stripped down to just my underwear before sliding under the blanket, of course with Greg not carrying any bedding I'd offered him the chance to share the bedding piling on some more.
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