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. Too much information!" was all I could reply to this.Women! I can't make them out sometimes.Anyway, I dreaded Friday morning coming and tried every which way to get out of it. I blustered and said I wouldn't do it but Kelly and Kat said, "OK, so you want to go back on a bet? Don't ever expect us to agree to one again. I thought you were a man of your word, not a wimp!"I tried the 'you set me up' tactic but was told, "It was perfectly fair. If anyone was to blame for you losing it was. He felt hurt. And, that hurt manifested itself in a seething though bridled-in anger.When informed by his wife that she had spoken to their daughter on the phone that afternoon and that Karen was pregnant, Gus Miller flippantly replied, "Oh! Well, that figures..." He then went silent and would say no more on the subject.The next night, when Jean told him that she and Karen had had lunch together that afternoon, he blandly inquired, "Okay. So, how far along is she?" She's in her seventh month.". ” The old Foreigner song that started out our day without a cloud in the sky when we were having fun was titled “Break it up.” This was a rap song, and the lyrics were something like:Aw, this strip club anthem, nigga, what’s up?Young MoneyYeah, me and Mike WiLL pull up to AOD back to backThem AMG 63’s (Mike WiLL Made-It, nigga)I tell all my hoes, rake it upBreak it down, back it upFuck it up, fuck it up, back it up, back it upRake it up, rake it up, back it up, back it upI tell all my hoes,. ’Surprised by her spontaneous friendliness, Stefan stammered his greeting and name. Liesl, the owner, came quickly to his rescue. She told Irmgard that Stefan was an Australian 'Professor' visiting the Saarland. She summarised for Irmgard, in a few sentences, what Stefan had told her in their conversation last week.Irmgard was a strikingly handsome young woman. She was tall, with a beautifully proportioned figure. A friendly openness complemented her dark-brown hair, styled short, laughing.
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