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" Makes me shiver when you say my name," she whispered and, giving Janine afinger wriggle wave, hurried outside where her car was waiting."Headquarters reception is no place for flirting," Janine said sternly."I know, I know. But she does look amazing." I did like her boots."I ordered a uniform skirt from stores. An impulse, a knee jerk response tosomething I'd been mulling over since Olivia had given me that necklaceand earrings, which I'd hardly taken off by the way. The skirt hung on. Her head shot up with a stunned look and before she could get a word out I reminded her she was to wait until I told her to slide her tongue in my ass. The ‘I’m Sorry’s’ practically leapt from her throat until I finally quieted her with a finger across her lips. Now, start again and this time remember to wait until I’m ready. She went right to the top and started working her way back down to my balls, and then to my ass. I let her play a bit more then simply said ‘Now’. Her tongue immediately. I knew that money wasn’t the only thing in life, but over the years the mortgage had increased, the ‘k**’s’ being typical teenagers, always seemed to want more and more, placing even more strain on the family purse strings to the point that Phil had become totally preoccupied with work, that the inevitable stress fractures appeared in our relationship, to the point that I couldn’t even recall when we last made love let alone had sex. But now I was confident all that would change!That night I. Tim was driving. He waved at her just before the car vanished around the bend in the road.It was starting to rain. Erica gathered up her clothes and dressed. She kicked angrily at the blanket. She knew that she would never again be able to face those boys. She would have to find a new teaching job somewhere else.Her body felt bruised and tired. She had no idea of where she was, but she started walking in the direction that the boys had taken.A half hour later it started raining harder. The dirt.
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