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Simone is watching very closely as I slip my hand inside his jeans and pull out his almost erect cock.I am stroking his cock and tongue kissing him from behind and I am aware of Simone’s hands all over his torso.“Wow, you are hung and thick, I can hardly get my hand around your cock,” Simone groans as she takes his cock in her hands.“And I want it.”“Enjoy baby, this is for you,” I whisper to my man as Simone still fully dressed has his erection in her hands while I flaunt my naked body for both. "I am Tyrome Greenstick," I told all of them, almost all their faces donned a horrified look, oh yeah they knew who I was. "This was your first lesson; NEVER think that your opponent is weak or powerless. Always assume you are going against another strong if not AS strong as you. This one thing can save your live more than anything you can do, now then, if you are through acting like idiots, we can go on with the rest of the day's lesson." I started then out on drills to try and increase. She gave a big smile and a wink. “Did you have a nice steamy shower Greg?” Tina asked. I said “Yes, very hot and steamy…” With that the telephone rang and I her Claire shouting “I’ll get it.” The next thing I heard Claire saying was “Is it really necessary?” With that Tina stood up. Claire came through and told us that there was a problem at work and that she would have to go in and sort it. She was very apologetic as her family had come down to us both and that she would be leaving me to. By the time I got my tongue on her clit, my face was wet with her juices and she was on the very edge of having an orgasm.“Oh fuck!” she whispered. “I’m going to cum. Fuck me, Bill. Fuck me!”So, I quickly moved up and pushed my cock into Jill, making her groan. Then, as she put her legs around my waist, I pushed it all the way in and hit her cervix.”“Ugh! Do that again. Ram it into me.”So, I pulled almost all of the way out, then rammed my cock in until it hit her cervix.“Ugh! Ugh! I’m cumming!.
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